Friday, December 30, 2011

Weight Loss Products Are Not for Everyone

Despite the advertising you see and the multitude of weight loss products on your store shelves, not everyone needs products to lose weight. The average person can make some basic changes to their eating habits and some fundamental lifestyle changes and avoid the need for costly weight loss products altogether. How do you know if you can lose weight without these products? You can't know unless you first try to lose the weight on your own. Here's how to start.
Eating Habits
It is safe to say that the majority of people who are overweight by 15 or more pounds have developed poor eating habits. Taking weight loss products such as appetite suppressants or metabolism boosters will help you to lose weight. The problem is that once you quit taking them you are at risk of gaining back the weight you lost using the products and even more. If you do not address the poor eating habits that caused the weight gain in the first place, history will repeat itself, and you will need to start all over again, and again. Identify the problems before beginning your weight loss products and fix those bad habits to be successful at losing the weight and keeping it off.
Health Issues
These products cannot help you with health issues that have caused weight gain. Consult your doctor or medical professional to be sure that your weight gain is not caused by something like a thyroid or metabolic disorder. These products will have no lasting effect if you don't get the root cause of the problem under control. You should never begin any kind of program using products until you know that your weight problem stems from other than a medical reason. Some products also have negative interactions with various prescription drugs, so you will want to inform your doctor if you are planning to begin weight loss products to avoid possible interactions.
Before you begin taking any product, try to lose the weight on your own with a combination of healthy eating and moderate exercise. If you have led a very sedentary lifestyle, you ma y be surprised how quickly the weight comes off once you become physically active. You may find you don't need costly weight loss products at all. All you need to do is eat right and exercise.
If you try on your own and are not able to reach your goals, there are definitely plenty of weight loss products out there to help you out.
Katherine Trillin is a freelance writer and novelist. Her struggles with weight loss products and drastic changes in health and lifestyle led her to start a health and fitness website called Health Adventurer. The goal of this website is to bring reliable, basic health and fitness information to those looking for answers regarding weight loss products, diet and other health issues.

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Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Weight Loss Products for Severe Obesity

Let's start off by defining the term obese is defined as: 
  • more than 100 lbs. over your ideal body weight, or
  • have a Body Mass Index (BMI) of over 40, or
  • have a BMI of over 35 and are experiencing severe negative health effects, such as high blood pressure or diabetes, related to being severely overweight
  • unable to achieve a healthy body weight for a sustained period of time, even through medically supervised dieting
If you fall into this category, you may have tried to lose weight on your own and failed. Perhaps it's time for some help. There are many weight loss products on the market that can help you to lose weight and keep it off.
Appetite Suppressants
These products trick your body into feeling full, thereby reducing your portion sizes and helping you to reduce your caloric intake. They do work for people who are severely obese. The drawbacks to using these types of weight loss products is that once you stop taking them you risk gaining the weight again. This is due to falling back into poor eating habits prior to taking the weight loss products. You also have to make a long term commitment to taking any kind of products if you are severely obese. Healthy diet is about 2 pounds per week, so you can do the math. This can be a costly albeit effective use of weight loss products.
Prepackaged Meals
These types of weight loss products are some of the most popular on the market. They are convenient and available in your grocer's freezer. All you have to do is stick to the meal plan and these weight loss products will do the rest. They are low in fat and calories and will help you to lose weight if you adhere to the program. The risk here is the same. Once you stop using them, you have to keep your calorie and fat counts low or you can gain the weight back again.
The main thing about these products is this; they don't work unless you do. Any weight loss product you employ will help you to lose unwanted pounds, but you have to work to keep the weight off. This requires changing poor eating habits and making fundamental lifestyle changes. You must eat a low calorie and balanced meal plan and become more active in order to keep the weight off for good.
Katherine Trillin is a freelance writer and novelist. Her struggles with weight loss products and drastic changes in health and lifestyle led her to start a health and fitness website called Health Adventurer. The goal of this website is to bring reliable, basic health and fitness information to those looking for answers regarding weight loss products, diet and other health issues.

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Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Finding the Best Diet to Lose Weight

When looking for the best diet to lose weight you must first decide what your goals are for weight loss. Are you just looking to drop a few pounds or do you have a lot more to lose? Are you focusing more on just weight loss or are you trying specifically to lower your body fat percentage? Depending on the way you answer these questions will decide what is the best diet to lose weight for you specifically. No one diet will work best for everyone and because of this, finding the right diet for you is a little tricky.
Whatever diet you decide, the most important factor that goes into choosing a diet is how much dedication and commitment you will have with it. It is far better to pick an "Easier" diet and stay committed for three months than try a difficult diet and quit after a couple of weeks.
The key to losing weight is all about commitment and consistency.
With that said, let us move into some of the best diet to lose weight plans...
Low Carbohydrates and Fat
As popular as low carbohydrate diets are, they are not the best diet to lose weight if used the wrong way. By low carb, the proper way to follow a diet like this is to reduce your carbohydrate consumption as well as get rid of the fattening carbs and eat more healthy types of carbs instead. Simply cutting out all carbohydrates will make dieting very difficult. Sure, you can lose weight that way but you may end up having "blockage" problems from the lack o fiber as well as other problems that high fat and protein tend to bring with them. The better option is to cut carbohydrates, but not completely remove them from your diet. There are many healthy types of carbs such as whole grains, fruits, and vegetables that compliment any weight loss diet greatly.
The same concept goes with fat. Yes, cutting unhealthy fats is great for fat loss but all fats are not bad for you. In fact, eating more fats that are healthy can help aid in your fat loss. Such fats include fish and walnuts, loaded with omega 3 fatty acids that are great for heart and brain health.
Low Calories is Essential The key to any diets success is going to be the cutting of calories from your daily calorie intake. Whether you're following a popular diet you found online or a diet plan in the book store, the same principal holds true. Unless you're cutting calories you will not lose weight successfully.
The best diet to lose weight cuts calories and does it at a moderate yet effective level. You do not want a diet that cuts too many calories as this may end up being counter productive and lead to a starvation mode where your body holds onto excess fat. Instead, you want something that cuts around 500 calories per day on a consistent basis. This is the optimal calorie cutting number for consistent fat reduction.
Learn more tips for weight loss at the The Fat Loss Pros. You can visit them at

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Wednesday, November 30, 2011

10 Basic Weight Reduction Tips That Will Always Work

There are 10 basic weight reduction techniques that always work. In spite of the fact that most of us are fearful, discouraged, intimidated, and horrified when we think about the very prospect of dieting to lose weight.
Too much previous experience has conditioned us to believe that weight loss is fiercely difficult to achieve and almost impossible to maintain. There's some good news, and some bad news.
The bad news is that most of us have approached weight loss in the wrong way! The good news is...most of us have approached weight loss in the wrong way! Wait a can the same thing be good and bad at the same time?
The reason the news is "bad" is that we have wasted a lot of time and energy (and money) trying to do something in exactly the wrong way. It's like taking a northbound train to get from Omaha to Dallas.
Wrong way and it won't work!
However, that same news is good because if the things we've done have been the wrong way...there must be a right way! Yes! There is a right way!
Here are the 10 basic weight reduction tips that will always work for you:
1. Reduce your portions of everything you put in your mouth by at least one-third...starting today. Everything means everything.
2. When you eat out request a take-home box when the meal is delivered. Divide your food in the beginning and enjoy the rest tomorrow.
3. No second helpings.
4. Have three regularly spaced meals per day (don't forget guidelines # 1 and #2).
5. Have a healthful snack (such as fruit, vegetables, nuts, reduced- fat cheese, whole wheat crackers) mid morning and mid afternoon so as to keep your blood sugar under control.
6. Eat salad (skip the 8,000 Island Dressing...use a bit of oil and vinegar) at the beginning of your meal so as to curb your appetite a bit.
7. Drink a glass of water before your meal. (It helps fill the stomach and quenches thirst which is part of the reason we eat sometimes. We're actually looking for something to drink).
8. Never, ever, ever "up-size" when you order food out. The regular portion is enough.
9. Eliminate sugar-sweetened This includes sodas, teas, punch, and anything else that is loaded with sugar.
10. Eat your meal from a smaller plate. It tricks the "perception center" of the brain into thinking we're eating more than we are. If you put the same amount of food on a small plate and on a large plate, the half-empty larger plate leaves us feeling less satisfied.
10 basic tips about weight reduction, and my e-book will lead you through the way to make it work for you.
by Sue Bristol, R.N.
Here's the "Secret Weight Loss Diet" that virtually EVERY successful dieter uses
(Whether or not they are even aware of it!)
"Click Here" to get your Free e-book, which will give you the "Weight Loss Secret"

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Sunday, November 20, 2011

Want to Win the Battle Against Obesity? Lose the Weight With Hypnosis

Maybe you can't give up sweets.
Perhaps you turn every social event into an excuse to overeat.
Maybe you can't find the time to head to the gym.
Perhaps you don't think you have time to cook healthy meals.
Whatever the reason, you're obese - and now you have to figure out a way to deal with it. Luckily, you can lose the weight with hypnosis.
Weight loss hypnosis starts by helping you figure out exactly why you're obese. Then, it addresses the problem at its root, deep in your subconscious mind. That's because virtually all of your thoughts and actions - like your decision to hit up the fast food window instead of cooking a healthy meal at home - come from your subconscious.
Here's how weight loss hypnosis helps you battle obesity:
- During a hypnosis session, you will go into a trance-like state, which will boost your concentration and leave you open to suggestion.
- Once you're in that state, you can tap into your subconscious and re-train it, so that you have a better relationship with food and the habits surrounding your food.
If, for example, you find the temptation of sweets to be too strong, hypnosis can re-program your subconscious mind to believe that sweets are bad. That way, your subconscious will be completely turned off by them, and, as a result, you will not crave them anymore.
Or, if you can't seem to stick to a workout regimen, your weight loss hypnosis session may focus on intense visualization. You may be told to picture yourself getting up in the morning, looking forward to going to the gym. Then, you'll be told to visualize yourself actually driving to and arriving at the gym. Then, you'll be told to picture yourself living a happier, slimmer life as a result of your workout.
By showing your subconscious the good things that can happen when you go to the gym, you can teach it to want to work out - instead of viewing a trip to the gym as something that's a hassle, that's simply another thing that you need to fit into your day.
You and your consulting hypnotist will decide how to tackle your subconscious based on why you're falling victim to food. Once you start to work on your subconscious, you can change the way you act and think.
Unlike diets and other traditional weight loss tools, when you lose weight with hypnosis, the weight loss is permanent. Since you are changing your subconscious thoughts and desires, you can rest easy knowing that you won't see any "yo-yo" effects like you do with other weight loss strategies.
Eli Bliliuos is the founder of The New York Hypnosis Institute. He specializes in helping clients lose weight.
To learn more about hypnosis for weight loss, click here Weight Loss Hypnosis New York
New York Hypnosis Institute LLC
241 West 30 street
New York, NY 10001
To learn about hypnosis training, click here Hypnosis Training New York

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Monday, November 7, 2011

Best Diet Plan for a Busy Lifestyle

If you're busy on a usual basis then finding the best diet plan for you can be difficult. Many of the diets that work the best tend to require counting of calories at every meal, planning these meals before hand, as well as specifically only eating certain types of foods. The solution is to find the best diet plan for a busy lifestyle.
The Most Important Dieting Rule There are many dieting "tricks" or "techniques" that many professional dieters and nutritional experts cling to. For example, the recommendation that one should have five to six smaller meals a day instead of a couple of big meals per day for best fat loss. While this is effective, it is not necessary for successful fat loss. What is necessary is calorie reduction.
If you are not eating less calories than you burn per day then weight loss will be very difficult. Fortunately, with a busy lifestyle eating less is often not that hard. With so many things to do during the day, cutting the whole "snack" thing is pretty easy. The hard part is cutting back when that one or two meals a day does come up.
The solution?
Eat Healthier Foods
An easy solution for the busy person that is looking for the best diet plan for their life is to start replacing the foods in their usual meals with healthy alternatives. Now you can find some diet and replace the foods with the foods in those diets. OR you can learn about nutrition and which foods are healthy and low in calories (which is a lot easier to learn).
What are the healthy foods to eat?
I recommend for newbies that aren't quite sure to do the good old test of "natural" or "not natural". Just look at a food item and ask yourself if you could find this in the wild as is. For example, if you look at a granola bar then obviously it can't be found in nature without heavy processing, adding sugar, packaging it with preservatives and flavoring, etc. Then look at an orange, lean meats, seafoods, nuts, whole grains, beans, legumes, and they require no processing except a little bit of basic and light cooking.
Choosing these healthier foods for your meals will make you feel fuller faster as well as provide you with much more nutrients and vitamins.
A good option is to first replace the unhealthy foods in ones lifestyle with the healthier more natural choices. If weight loss doesn't occur still, then start to focus on reducing food portion sizes during meals.
Learn more tips for weight loss at the The Fat Loss Pros. You can visit them at

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Sunday, October 30, 2011

Fat Burning Tea - Myth or Truth?

Many advertisements and tea companies seem to be telling others of fat burning tea that helps dieters shed fat and lose weight faster and easier than ever before! Well, is this true or just another fat loss myth? While the effects of a fat burning tea is subtle at best, drinking tea does nonetheless help with fat loss. There are a lot of great things going for tea that make it a great choice even if you aren't using it for fat reduction.
Studies have shown that drinking tea on a consistent basis has helped with increasing fat loss by regulating your glucose. This basically slows down your blood sugar after meals and helps stabilize these sugar levels which, in turn, help prevent cravings. Drinking large amounts of tea also has been shown to help inhibit certain types of enzymes which are needed for processing fats and carbs.
Large Sums of Antioxidants
The biggest benefit of drinking tea is the large amount of antioxidants in this drink. Fat reducing tea tends to have a large amount of epigallocatechin galate antioxidants (EGCG's) which can help with removing cravings for sugars and sweeteners.
Caffeine and Fat Burning Tea
One of the biggest reasons that certain teas help with fat burning is the fact that they have caffeine in them. Caffeine, being a stimulant, speeds up our bodies and helps burn fat. This is why many tea extracts can be found in fat burning supplements.
While drinking tea for its caffeine effects may help with fat loss, it is important to be careful as too much caffeine is unhealthy especially for those more at risk (high blood pressure, etc).
Which Teas are best?
The question then comes up, which fat burning tea is the best? While green tea is well known and one of the many healthy tea choices, Oolong tea is a better choice. Some studies have shown that it increases fat burning more effectively than green tea.
Why I Recommend Tea for Fat Burning
I'm not going to recommend any type of tea for fat loss. Instead, I just recommend drinking tea. The more natural, unprocessed, and organic, the better results you'll see healthy-wise.
Tea is a great beverage to replace with all other beverages - except water. Drinking more tea makes you more relaxed, regulates blood sugars, can help with brain cognition, and many other great benefits.
Simply by replacing all your sodas, lemonades, and fruit punches with tea you'll effectively cut back on at least a few hundred calories of sugar per day! That's if you don't add sugar to your tea-of course!
Learn more tips for weight loss at the The Fat Loss Pros. You can visit them at

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Thursday, October 20, 2011

Advice On Managing Your Diet

If dieting is something that you have become accustom to then you need to change that right now. Most people who go on diets think that they have to lose a certain amount of weight in a set amount of time but the truth is that diets don't work like that.
While managing your diet the first thing you need to make sure is that you are following the right diet pattern which will also play a key role behind your success. I find many having a misconception that diet means losing weight, but the truth is that diet refers to the art of supervising your eating habits to make you live a healthy life.
Tips To Manage Your Diet
Eat balanced meals - The first tip that I have for you is to eat balanced meals. The reason this is a tip is because many people will eat a bad meal for one part of the day and then they think they can simply make it up by eating really healthy later on. What you need to understand is that if you are eating unhealthy at any point of the day then the odds are that you will continue that trend.
Drink lots of water - Are you aware that the best way of getting full without eating too much is drinking lots of water? Apart from drinking 2 liters of water every day, one to two glasses of water before every meal is always beneficial. The reason you want to drink 2 glasses of water before every meal is because it will help you get fuller much faster and it will help cleanse your body without having to do anything else to it. Human body is composed of 60-70% of water and so drinking more and more water will only do good for your body.
Document everything - Another thing that you need to do in order to manage your diet is to document everything you do. For instance, if you eat a candy bar while driving to work then you need to keep the wrapper and document the calorie intake and things like that}. The main idea behind documenting your calorie intake is to make sure that you don't take it too much calorie on a regular basis which can send you back to your old bad shape.
Lose weight through exercise and supplements - There is no secret that you have to exercise in order to lose weight and that is why I wanted to show you a couple of things that will help you lose those unwanted pounds. Supplements like the popular HCG diet drop can be of additional help, as long as you are maintaining around one hour of workout time everyday. I personally recommend this HCG diet drop as this will help to you lose about 2 pounds of fats every day by forming a layer over your stomach and hence not allowing the fat to get a hiding place.
Just keep in mind that weight loss is not a very difficult task and it becomes fun when you have cheap HCG diet drops by your side.

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Friday, October 7, 2011

Need to Lose Weight Fast? New to Dieting?

If you need to lose weight fast or are on some kind of "deadline" to reduce weight, then there are many options you can take. The question is, do you want to lose weight or fat? The difference is quite big. If you are trying to learn how to burn fat then you need to realize that fat is not something that can be lost quickly. The usual standard of how much fat can be lost in a healthy way is around two pounds of fat per week. And this is with good dieting AND exercise.
For weight loss, much more can be lost. The only difference is that with weight loss, the results are not permanent nor do they usually last for more than a week!
Those that need to lose weight fast usually gravitate towards the quick fix "Weight loss" not "Fat loss" methods. These usually include starving yourself excessively, regurgitating meals to prevent weight gain, wearing clothing that promotes more sweating, cutting out all carbohydrates or fats (or both!), taking weight loss supplements that speed up your metabolism, drinking only fruit juices for weeks at a time, and a wide variety of other strange methods.
These methods, although they do result in quick weight loss, do very little for fat loss.
Water and Muscle
What you usually end up losing when you follow these "need to lose weight fast" methods is water and muscle mass. Water weight is very inconsistent. One day it'll be higher than the next. You can reduce your water weight with excess sweating, eating foods that don't absorb water, flushing out your system with diarrheic herbs, excessive working out, and cutting back all salts. This is good if you're trying to hit that weight requirement for wrestling or something of that sort. But if you're trying to get in shape, then water weight is something you should not pay attention to. At all.
Muscle mass is something you do not want to lose at all. Muscle helps you have a strong immune system and also helps keep your metabolism up. If you lose muscle it'll end up making you have a higher body fat percentage. And that will result in you looking flabbier and less fit than you started!
The Solution? If you need to lose weight fast but don't have a real deadline besides wanting to be in shape ASAP, then swallow that "impatience" and start following a diet that promotes steady fat burning at a healthy and natural pace.
First start by eating foods that burn fat and then begin adding exercises to burn fat as well!
Learn more tips for weight loss at the The Fat Loss Pros. You can visit them at

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Friday, September 30, 2011

The Truth You Must Know About Rapid Weight Loss Programs

In this article, I will reveal the truth about rapid weight loss programs. It might not be what you wanted to hear, but it's definitely what you need to know!
If you now find yourself overweight, it is important to realize that you didn't gain all that weight overnight. Therefore, is it reasonable to expect to lose the same amount of weight that you gained over many years to come off in a manner of days? The answer, of course, is no. Crash diets inevitably lead to a rebound back to your original weight, and moreover, are not healthy. Let's therefore examine some of the more popular "rapid weight loss programs" and learn why they should be avoided.
Fasting and Crash Dieting
There is overwhelming scientific evidence that fasting and crash dieting do not work. In fact, you may be surprised to learn that many scientists now believe that short-term fasting actually results in the opposite effect: additional weight gained! How can this be so? Well, when the body is deprived of the nutrients it needs, it quickly reacts by storing its next meals as fat in defense of food deprevation. This is clearly not what we are after!
At best, most rapid weight loss programs offer short-term benefits and temporary shedding of the pounds, but don't expect short-term results from crash dieting to last.
Phentermine and Other Weight Loss Pills
Another quick weight reduction approach is to use a diet pill such as phentermine. While phentermine has been shown to aid in rapid weight loss, you need to be aware of the unpleasant and in some cases dangerous side effects, which include, dry mouth, diarrhea, constipation, vomiting, increased blood pressure, dizziness, insomnia, and shortness of breath. Is it worth these risks and side effects just to lose weight quickly? There has to be a better approach!
Colon Cleanses
Other products and programs, such as colon cleanses, also promise rapid weight loss, but recently new studies have shown that not only are colon cleanses not effective in delivering their promised results, but in some cases they can actually have dangerous health consequences.
Hardcore Exercise
Many dieters desparate to lose weight quickly turn to boot camps and other hardcore exercise programs. Now this actually CAN be a very effective approach to weight loss, and it is one that I highly recommend, but with the following caveat: if you aren't used to hardcore exercise, you must start slow and gradually build up your conditioning. If you don't, you may either injure yourself right off the bat, or just as unfortunate, you may find the sudden shock to your body in the form of muscle soreness so intense that you end up associating exercise as something unpleasant, and quit before you even get started.
The Right Way to Lose Weight
In fact, exercise can be a fun, enjoyable activity that will not only leave you looking better, but feeling better as well. The key to any successful weight loss plan is to realistically assess your present condition, start moderately, and set manageable, achievable fitness and weight loss goals.
So there you have it. Now we know that rapid weight loss programs are doomed to failure, or at best only very short-term results.
Are You truly ready to finally commit to losing weight the right way? Discover the best weight loss tips and techniques that will enable you to take off the weight and keep it off once and for all! Visit

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Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Trying To Lose Weight? Here's 1 HUGE Bad Habit You May Not Even Realize That Can RUIN Your Diet

If you are trying to lose weight at the moment, then you know as well as I do that it is very difficult trying to give up bad habits (such as late-night snacking, having a soda with every meal, etc.). However, there is one bad habit that you may still be doing and don't even realize it. Or perhaps maybe you do realize it and you just can't seem to stop. Whatever the case may be, I hope that this article will enlighten you and give you the power you need to stop this bad habit once and for all!
Okay, I'm going to get straight to the point because if you are reading this article, chances are you are sick and tired of not getting results, and you just want to figure out what could be causing the problem. With that said, one common bad habit that may be ruining your diet is excessive taste testing while cooking meals and excessively snacking throughout the day.
This is a very common problem that some people don't even realize they are doing, and some people are actually in denial that they are doing it. Saying things such as "I'm only eating a small portion", etc. is very common. The problem is that eating that small portion... SEVERAL times throughout the day... will certainly add up... and especially if it's a high calorie, high carb, and/or high fat type of food.
So, what can you do to get rid of this bad habit?
Well, it's not as simple as just stopping it. This is one of those things you have to cleverly eliminate without doing it directly. Otherwise, if you try to eliminate this problem directly, you run the risk of feeling deprived... which will then lead to you losing motivation with your weight loss goals... and then ultimately giving up all together.
What I recommend you do to help stop this problem is to first ensure that the foods that are in your home are nothing but healthier food options. If you have chips, cookies, and other bad foods lying around, chances are, this will cause you to lose control and snack on these foods throughout the day.
Another thing I recommend you do is a type of dieting that will not only help you end this bad habit, but will also boost your metabolism, and cause you to lose pounds of fat lightning fast and consistently. This type of dieting is eating more frequently throughout the day with small meal options. The meals must contain different types of nutrients (especially the one's that will satisfy hunger), and you must rotate the meals around (known as shifting calories).
The program I went on that was based on this method enabled me to not only lose a little over 50 pounds in 8 weeks, I was also able to stop feeling the urge to excessively taste test while cooking foods, mindlessly snacking throughout the day, etc.
The reason why this works so well is because with you eating more often in strategic patterns, you are not just causing your metabolism to go crazy, you are also eliminating the urges to nick pick on foods throughout the day. And of course keeping those bad foods that you just can't resist out of your house is certainly a good step forward to eliminating this damaging habit.
By the way, if you want to Melt Away Fat QUICKLY and permanently drop 9 pounds EVERY 11 DAYS, then the diet program I used and that I highly recommend is the "calorie shifting diet" from Fat Loss 4 Idiots...
I lost an amazing 52 lbs. of fat in 2 months using this popular online fat loss program... and it all has stayed off FOR GOOD! It works because it naturally raises your metabolism by having you eat REAL FOOD...
>> Click, and on the next page, you'll see my official review, other testimonials, and more.

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Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Poor Sleep and Weight Gain

Ever notice how hungry you feel when you don't get enough sleep? Did you know that when we are sleep-deprived we eat more because we are actually hungrier? Yes, it's true. Chronic sleep loss disrupts the body's endocrine system by triggering increased insulin resistance and a disruption of appetite regulating hormones. Lack of sleep leads to a rise in ghrelin, the hormone that turns on hunger and a restriction in leptin, the hormone that makes you feel full. And since we are awake longer hours and are often sedentary in that extra waking time we consume more calories than we burn. The result-weight gain.
Mounting evidence suggests that lack of sleep has multiple effects that can all result in weight gain. When our internal clock is disrupted, it may throw of many bodily functions including metabolism, hormonal balance, brain chemistry, cognitive function and immunity. Chronic sleep deprivation may lead to irritability, anxiety and depression-all contributors to emotional eating.
According to a 2006 study of over 68,000 women from the Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, women who slept less than five hours a night were 32 percent more likely to gain 33 pounds or more over the 16-year study period than women who slept at least seven hours a night. The bottom line: the more you sleep, the better your body can regulate the chemicals that control hunger, fullness and fat storage.
Sleep is often the first thing we give up when we are short on time. With increasing stress, intense deadlines and 24/7 connectivity via cell phones and the internet, it seems there just aren't enough hours in the day. And yet, adequate sleep is one of the most important aspects of weight maintenance and good health.
So, just how much sleep do we need? While there are no hard and fast rules and individual needs may vary, the National Sleep Foundation recommends that most adults get seven to nine hours of sleep per night. The amount of sleep you need may be more or less;it's the amount you need to feel rested, refreshed and alert.
You can make sleep (and weight loss) a higher priority by improving your sleep habits with the following strategies:
1) Work with your circadian rhythms. While most of us can't go to bed when the sun is setting, we can aim to go to bed as early as possible, set a bed time we can adhere to and begin calming down and dimming lights to aid our bodies sleep-producing hormonal system.
2) Maintain a quiet, dark and comfortable environment for restful sleep. Consider black-out shades if the room has too much light.
3) Reduce your consumption of stimulants such as caffeine, chocolate and nicotine early in the day.
4) Notice if certain foods, vitamins, medications and alcohol affect your getting a restful night's sleep and adjust if need be.
5) Adjust habits such as exercising late in the day or stimulating activity in the evening if you are having difficulty getting quality sleep.
6) Try journaling during the day or early in the evening to reduce overwhelm and anxiety. Put to paper feelings and thoughts that are troubling, even if they are chronic. Remind yourself you can think of them tomorrow and that you have control over you mind.
7) Try natural sleep aids such as Valerian root and herbal teas and
8) Consult your health-care practitioner if you are experiencing chronic insomnia, which can be the result of a medical or psychological illness.
Just like eating, sleep is a natural, life-sustaining process. Try to make sleep a priority and schedule it just like you would any other activity. Otherwise, the sleep you lose may lead to the pounds you gain.
Julie M. Simon, MA, MBA, MFT is a Licensed Psychotherapist and Life Coach with a full-time private practice specializing in the treatment of overeating and associated mood disorders. In addition to her education and twenty years experience as a psychotherapist, she is a Certified Personal Trainer with twenty-five years of experience designing personalized exercise and nutrition programs for various populations. Julie is the creator of The Twelve-Week Emotional Eating Recovery Program, an alternative to dieting that addresses the mind, body and spirit imbalances that underlie overeating. Julie offers individual, couple, family and group psychotherapy as well as classes and seminars. In addition to overeating, Julie offers psychotherapy and coaching for the following issues: relationship challenges, including marriage and couples, career development and transitions, work related stress, self-esteem, childhood dysfunction and trauma, grief and loss, co-dependency, self-care skills, and assertiveness training. Visit her website at

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Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Free Weight Loss Tips: 4 Positive Ways To Achieve Your Weight Loss Goals

In order to lose weight successfully, you first have to realize that losing weight is a journey with a specific destination. Right now, you’re at the very beginning and about to take the first step towards changing your eating and lifestyle habits, so that you can have the body you really want.
Of course, this isn’t going to be easy – nothing worthwhile ever is. You should pat yourself on the back for making a commitment to yourself that you’re finally ready to do this. So many people can’t even make it this far. So, in a sense, you’re already ahead of the game.
Your goal should be to lose one or two pounds a week, if you lose more than that, great, but don’t push for it. You want to stay mentally focused, healthy and determined. If you push too hard, or try to force your body to lose big numbers, then you’ll eventually stress yourself out and hit a wall that may lead to failure.
Here’s some suggestions that you can use to create a successful weight loss plan:
Set a Reasonable Goal
Your first step should be to decide how much weight you want to lose. Get some 3x5 index cards and write one goal or positive statement down on each one. Start by writing down your ideal weight, this is your ultimate big goal.
Next, you want to set smaller goals for yourself. Write down a goal for losing five pounds, then ten pounds, twenty pounds, etc.
Write down some positive motivational statements about yourself.
“I love myself unconditionally”
“I’m a great person inside and outside”
“I’m going to smile and laugh today”
“I deserve this and I’m worth it”
Keep these cards where you’ll be able to look at them every day.
Eat Smaller Portions More Often
Growing up you were probably taught to eat three meals a day. You were also probably taught to clean your plate. While this schedule of eating meals is well-intentioned, the fact is that you are going to get hungry between breakfast and lunch, and between lunch and dinner.
Not only are you probably having a large portion for each meal, but you are also snacking on junk food in between. Unfortunately, this way of eating leads to a lot of weight gain. It’s been proven that if you eat several small meals during the day, you won’t get hungry between meals and when you do, it’s easier to snack on something that has less calories.
Plan to eat five small meals a day, instead of three, and see if that helps to curb your food cravings.
Keep a Food Journal
Just like a diary is a snippet of events that happen in your life, a food journal helps you to keep track of what you’re really putting into your mouth on a daily basis. You probably have a mental picture of what you normally eat, but when you see it in writing, you may be surprised at all the extra foods you’re eating without even thinking about it.
Write down what you ate, what time you ate it, and how you felt when you ate that particular food. Sometimes when we eat certain “comfort foods” we’re really trying to use food to fill up an emotional hole in our hearts.
Feelings of loneliness, boredom, stress, anger and low-self esteem are often triggers for food binging. Write it down and you can go back and evaluate it later.
Treat Yourself
When you reach one of your weight loss goals, go ahead and treat yourself to something special. The only catch is that your reward cannot be a food item. That’s right, you will not have a bowl of ice cream or a big slice of pizza.
You want to mentally get away from thinking of food as a reward or a security blanket. So, think of some other things that will put a smile on your face. Money is always a good reward. Maybe you can create a reward jar and pay yourself five dollars for every milestone achieved. You could go on a nice shopping spree after you’ve reached your final goal weight.
You could also buy yourself some fresh flowers, a nice pair of earrings, a new video game, a new tie, etc.
Another great idea is to make up your own reward coupon books.
I hope these tips are helpful and that you are successful in creating a healthier and happier new you.

Friday, August 26, 2011


loose weight now

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Working Out With Personal Trainer, Exercising Unsupervised or Weight Loss Diets – What is the Best Method For Weight Loss?

There are manifold advantages in working with a fitness or personal trainer. More people are taking to exercising for sporting a fitter body. With obesity and health hazards on the rise, people across the world have woken up to the benefits of working out with a fitness trainer.
Regardless of the individual methods and styles, fitness trainers offer effective weight loss coaching due to the accountability factor involved. For those people lacking commitment, the personal trainer motivates them to move on. They keep their clients rooted to healthy, realistic and gradual weight loss goals.
At the beginning of your weight loss program, your personal trainer would take your complete medical and exercise history for preliminary fitness assessment. He would then device a workout regime and nutrition plan. Your weight loss progress would be under constant revisions and review to ensure that your body adapts healthily and positively to the workout routine to attain your fitness objectives and keep the exercises interesting and fresh. With a professional by your side, there are no dangers associated with your exercises.
Weight loss diets, on the other hand, always seem to produce mostly ill effects. A low calorie diet is often very restrictive and you’ll find yourself unable to consume healthy foods. In fact, such diets in the long term results in nutritional deficiencies. You might also find yourself suffering from deficiency in vitamin B12.
Weight loss diets often lead to sodium and potassium deficiency. These electrolytes are utilized by the body to ensure accurate muscle and nerve functions. They perform a key role in regulating heartbeat. Thus, falling potassium and sodium levels could lead to heart attacks.
Such diets also prove dangerous for vital body organs including the liver, kidneys and brain. These organs rely on energy derived from carbohydrate intakes to function. In weight loss dieting, calorie and carbohydrate intakes are so low that these organs never get enough energy. The organs then begin burning muscle tissues. Strokes, liver and kidney failure are a direct outcome of this reaction.
Working out on own for losing weight can be disastrous. You must have often come across a poor soul hunched over a machine at the gym, struggling to perform the exercises. There is nobody to properly guide him on the correct workout procedures as he has chosen to workout alone. Even if the person is well informed, he runs the risk of performing a weight loss exercise incorrectly thereby leading to injuries.
Besides, with workout equipment prices dipping, advents of the personal home gym and less time to stick to the schedules of a personal trainer, people are choosing to workout alone at home. As a result, they are learning the exercises incorrectly. Muscle damages are quite common to those who workout on their own.
Diametrically opposite to workouts with a personal trainer, where the stress is on motivational and mental well being, weight loss diets and exercising on own often takes a toll on emotional and mental health. One can easily conclude that working out with a personal trainer is undoubtedly the best option in losing weight.