Wednesday, November 30, 2011

10 Basic Weight Reduction Tips That Will Always Work

There are 10 basic weight reduction techniques that always work. In spite of the fact that most of us are fearful, discouraged, intimidated, and horrified when we think about the very prospect of dieting to lose weight.
Too much previous experience has conditioned us to believe that weight loss is fiercely difficult to achieve and almost impossible to maintain. There's some good news, and some bad news.
The bad news is that most of us have approached weight loss in the wrong way! The good news is...most of us have approached weight loss in the wrong way! Wait a can the same thing be good and bad at the same time?
The reason the news is "bad" is that we have wasted a lot of time and energy (and money) trying to do something in exactly the wrong way. It's like taking a northbound train to get from Omaha to Dallas.
Wrong way and it won't work!
However, that same news is good because if the things we've done have been the wrong way...there must be a right way! Yes! There is a right way!
Here are the 10 basic weight reduction tips that will always work for you:
1. Reduce your portions of everything you put in your mouth by at least one-third...starting today. Everything means everything.
2. When you eat out request a take-home box when the meal is delivered. Divide your food in the beginning and enjoy the rest tomorrow.
3. No second helpings.
4. Have three regularly spaced meals per day (don't forget guidelines # 1 and #2).
5. Have a healthful snack (such as fruit, vegetables, nuts, reduced- fat cheese, whole wheat crackers) mid morning and mid afternoon so as to keep your blood sugar under control.
6. Eat salad (skip the 8,000 Island Dressing...use a bit of oil and vinegar) at the beginning of your meal so as to curb your appetite a bit.
7. Drink a glass of water before your meal. (It helps fill the stomach and quenches thirst which is part of the reason we eat sometimes. We're actually looking for something to drink).
8. Never, ever, ever "up-size" when you order food out. The regular portion is enough.
9. Eliminate sugar-sweetened This includes sodas, teas, punch, and anything else that is loaded with sugar.
10. Eat your meal from a smaller plate. It tricks the "perception center" of the brain into thinking we're eating more than we are. If you put the same amount of food on a small plate and on a large plate, the half-empty larger plate leaves us feeling less satisfied.
10 basic tips about weight reduction, and my e-book will lead you through the way to make it work for you.
by Sue Bristol, R.N.
Here's the "Secret Weight Loss Diet" that virtually EVERY successful dieter uses
(Whether or not they are even aware of it!)
"Click Here" to get your Free e-book, which will give you the "Weight Loss Secret"

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Sunday, November 20, 2011

Want to Win the Battle Against Obesity? Lose the Weight With Hypnosis

Maybe you can't give up sweets.
Perhaps you turn every social event into an excuse to overeat.
Maybe you can't find the time to head to the gym.
Perhaps you don't think you have time to cook healthy meals.
Whatever the reason, you're obese - and now you have to figure out a way to deal with it. Luckily, you can lose the weight with hypnosis.
Weight loss hypnosis starts by helping you figure out exactly why you're obese. Then, it addresses the problem at its root, deep in your subconscious mind. That's because virtually all of your thoughts and actions - like your decision to hit up the fast food window instead of cooking a healthy meal at home - come from your subconscious.
Here's how weight loss hypnosis helps you battle obesity:
- During a hypnosis session, you will go into a trance-like state, which will boost your concentration and leave you open to suggestion.
- Once you're in that state, you can tap into your subconscious and re-train it, so that you have a better relationship with food and the habits surrounding your food.
If, for example, you find the temptation of sweets to be too strong, hypnosis can re-program your subconscious mind to believe that sweets are bad. That way, your subconscious will be completely turned off by them, and, as a result, you will not crave them anymore.
Or, if you can't seem to stick to a workout regimen, your weight loss hypnosis session may focus on intense visualization. You may be told to picture yourself getting up in the morning, looking forward to going to the gym. Then, you'll be told to visualize yourself actually driving to and arriving at the gym. Then, you'll be told to picture yourself living a happier, slimmer life as a result of your workout.
By showing your subconscious the good things that can happen when you go to the gym, you can teach it to want to work out - instead of viewing a trip to the gym as something that's a hassle, that's simply another thing that you need to fit into your day.
You and your consulting hypnotist will decide how to tackle your subconscious based on why you're falling victim to food. Once you start to work on your subconscious, you can change the way you act and think.
Unlike diets and other traditional weight loss tools, when you lose weight with hypnosis, the weight loss is permanent. Since you are changing your subconscious thoughts and desires, you can rest easy knowing that you won't see any "yo-yo" effects like you do with other weight loss strategies.
Eli Bliliuos is the founder of The New York Hypnosis Institute. He specializes in helping clients lose weight.
To learn more about hypnosis for weight loss, click here Weight Loss Hypnosis New York
New York Hypnosis Institute LLC
241 West 30 street
New York, NY 10001
To learn about hypnosis training, click here Hypnosis Training New York

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Monday, November 7, 2011

Best Diet Plan for a Busy Lifestyle

If you're busy on a usual basis then finding the best diet plan for you can be difficult. Many of the diets that work the best tend to require counting of calories at every meal, planning these meals before hand, as well as specifically only eating certain types of foods. The solution is to find the best diet plan for a busy lifestyle.
The Most Important Dieting Rule There are many dieting "tricks" or "techniques" that many professional dieters and nutritional experts cling to. For example, the recommendation that one should have five to six smaller meals a day instead of a couple of big meals per day for best fat loss. While this is effective, it is not necessary for successful fat loss. What is necessary is calorie reduction.
If you are not eating less calories than you burn per day then weight loss will be very difficult. Fortunately, with a busy lifestyle eating less is often not that hard. With so many things to do during the day, cutting the whole "snack" thing is pretty easy. The hard part is cutting back when that one or two meals a day does come up.
The solution?
Eat Healthier Foods
An easy solution for the busy person that is looking for the best diet plan for their life is to start replacing the foods in their usual meals with healthy alternatives. Now you can find some diet and replace the foods with the foods in those diets. OR you can learn about nutrition and which foods are healthy and low in calories (which is a lot easier to learn).
What are the healthy foods to eat?
I recommend for newbies that aren't quite sure to do the good old test of "natural" or "not natural". Just look at a food item and ask yourself if you could find this in the wild as is. For example, if you look at a granola bar then obviously it can't be found in nature without heavy processing, adding sugar, packaging it with preservatives and flavoring, etc. Then look at an orange, lean meats, seafoods, nuts, whole grains, beans, legumes, and they require no processing except a little bit of basic and light cooking.
Choosing these healthier foods for your meals will make you feel fuller faster as well as provide you with much more nutrients and vitamins.
A good option is to first replace the unhealthy foods in ones lifestyle with the healthier more natural choices. If weight loss doesn't occur still, then start to focus on reducing food portion sizes during meals.
Learn more tips for weight loss at the The Fat Loss Pros. You can visit them at

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