There are 10 basic weight reduction techniques that always work. In spite of the fact that most of us are fearful, discouraged, intimidated, and horrified when we think about the very prospect of dieting to lose weight.
Too much previous experience has conditioned us to believe that weight loss is fiercely difficult to achieve and almost impossible to maintain. There's some good news, and some bad news.
The bad news is that most of us have approached weight loss in the wrong way! The good news is...most of us have approached weight loss in the wrong way! Wait a can the same thing be good and bad at the same time?
The reason the news is "bad" is that we have wasted a lot of time and energy (and money) trying to do something in exactly the wrong way. It's like taking a northbound train to get from Omaha to Dallas.
Wrong way and it won't work!
However, that same news is good because if the things we've done have been the wrong way...there must be a right way! Yes! There is a right way!
Here are the 10 basic weight reduction tips that will always work for you:
1. Reduce your portions of everything you put in your mouth by at least one-third...starting today. Everything means everything.
2. When you eat out request a take-home box when the meal is delivered. Divide your food in the beginning and enjoy the rest tomorrow.
3. No second helpings.
4. Have three regularly spaced meals per day (don't forget guidelines # 1 and #2).
5. Have a healthful snack (such as fruit, vegetables, nuts, reduced- fat cheese, whole wheat crackers) mid morning and mid afternoon so as to keep your blood sugar under control.
6. Eat salad (skip the 8,000 Island Dressing...use a bit of oil and vinegar) at the beginning of your meal so as to curb your appetite a bit.
7. Drink a glass of water before your meal. (It helps fill the stomach and quenches thirst which is part of the reason we eat sometimes. We're actually looking for something to drink).
8. Never, ever, ever "up-size" when you order food out. The regular portion is enough.
9. Eliminate sugar-sweetened This includes sodas, teas, punch, and anything else that is loaded with sugar.
10. Eat your meal from a smaller plate. It tricks the "perception center" of the brain into thinking we're eating more than we are. If you put the same amount of food on a small plate and on a large plate, the half-empty larger plate leaves us feeling less satisfied.
10 basic tips about weight reduction, and my e-book will lead you through the way to make it work for you.
by Sue Bristol, R.N.
Here's the "Secret Weight Loss Diet" that virtually EVERY successful dieter uses
(Whether or not they are even aware of it!)
(Whether or not they are even aware of it!)
"Click Here" to get your Free e-book, which will give you the "Weight Loss Secret"
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